
When we have a tough week at work or are going through a breakup, the term “depression” is often used informally to describe how we feel. Depression alters how you think, feel, and behave in everyday situations. It can make it difficult for you to work, study, eat, sleep, or enjoy life. It can be difficult just to get through the day. You may take the initial steps toward feeling better and overcoming depression by knowing the reasons and recognizing the many symptoms and forms of depression.

Depression comes in a variety of forms. Some are caused by events in your life, while others are caused by chemical changes in your brain. Check out these depression symptoms and warning signals to discover whether you should get help from a mental health expert.

depression symptoms and warning signs - Top Medical Magazine

Hopeless Outlook

The most prevalent symptom of depression is having a gloomy or powerless attitude in life. Other emotions to consider are worthlessness, self-hatred, or excessive guilt.

Lost Interest

Depression might make it difficult to enjoy the things you enjoy. A lack of interest in or withdrawal from previously enjoyed activity.

Increased Fatigue and Sleep Problems

Depression is typically accompanied by a loss of energy and an overpowering sense of exhaustion, which can be one of the most unpleasant symptoms. This could lead to an excessive amount of sleep.


You may feel nervous, restless and tense. Your heart rate increases and you feel tremors of the muscles. You’re having difficulties focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than what’s bothering you.

Changes in Appetite and Weight

The intentionality of dietary changes is one indicator of whether or not they are linked to depression. If they aren’t, it’s possible that they’re the result of depression.

Uncontrollable Emotions

It’s an eruption of rage one minute and calmness the next. The next thing you know, you’re sobbing uncontrollably. Your emotions are up and down at a moment’s notice, despite the fact that nothing outside of you caused the change. Mood swings are a common symptom of depression.

Looking at Death

Suicide victims frequently exhibit symptoms before they commit suicide. Before succeeding in terminating their life, many people will talk about it or make the first attempt. If you suspect someone is contemplating suicide, call a crisis or suicide prevention hotline for assistance.

Experiencing depression symptoms? How do you get help?

If you’ve been experiencing some of the above symptoms for more than two weeks, you may be suffering from serious depression. Recognize that you’re depressed so you can seek the help you need.

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  1. Signs of Depression
  2. Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs
  3. Types of Depression